Seema Agarwal, Additional Director General of Police Information

Police stations will be registered on the website within 24 hours to hear cases support of organized. Accordingly, in the last 9 days and are using the Internet as additional DGP Programmer implicated 3,600 Seema Agarwal said.

Checkpoints on the difficulty of communication facility for uploading to the Internet, only 48 to 72 hours at the police station until the time allocated.

Accordingly, first information report on the website of the Tamil Nadu police and the public view, the Tamil Nadu government may be downloaded criminal archival Seema Agarwal, Additional Director General of Police, announced on the evening of the 18th.

Password Texting

This Website want to go, you have to register their cell phone number. Once the number and password (OTP), sent by SMS. Please input it, go to website. Open first information report can be downloaded from that view.

On Average 400 People
Up to 3,600 people were involved in yesterday visiting the Web site in Tamil Nadu, FIR has been downloaded Seema Agarwal said.  
Moreover, in the case of daily average of 400 people have been looking at the website, he said.

Thanks: The Hindu - 28.11.2016