For women to get married and laws, "Want to go defiant. Big think effecting small things. Changing adapt to the situation there. Sleep hart of our family to you in living well '' advice about going to the claim.

That was told to Seela. Seela has been working in good company. Her husband, a manager of private banking curesukkut work. His reading of the parents, are in good jobs.

Seela natantukollakkutiyaval blame anyone beyond himself. Read, go to work, even in a well tavalaitan Seela. So far they have not faced any problems, secure, loving family, not only from the palakiyaval Belt.

Seela and Ramesh went to Singapore for a week tenilavukkuc. Seela was not happy when he comes back. Seela and Ramesh unhappily passed to subsequent months.

Ramesh said that the child is not present, Seela was unhappy. Seela is mother said nothing wrong in putting off for a year.

"Mom, my problem is different. Suresukkup sexual orientation to be much greater. I'm able to keep up with him. Tappiccitalamnu felt a year become pregnant, "said Seela.

"Interested people will have more sex. Some without interest, less vaccuppanka. It's their nature. How can you say that this is wrong? When you're loved and cared for, it's not a lack anything. Purincukkamma, "the mother said, then could not talk because Seela.
Two months later. Suddenly my mother came home, Seela said that it is going to stay for 10 days.

"Feel free to come and Seela stay. Groom talking about near. Come and bring him, "the mother told me, she had not gotten a phone call angrily snapped Seela.

Mom and dad do not understand anything. To see what the problem is, Seela is mamiyaraic met.

"I do not know what campantimma colratunne. My son is not happy with Seela. Marukkiratala marital fight between two people are coming up everyday and night. Tunkuranka in separate rooms. Ramesh If you ask me, it's their personal piraccinainnu told. I do not understand anything, "regretted the in-laws.

Her mother came from the office and held a hearing with Seela.

Ramesh freely and see the blue images, Seela prostitution shall see. Seela did not refuse to see that, if the harm words. Moreover, as in the scenes that could force him to behave. Without time to time, I think he will call out relations.

Thus the laptop to watch blue films answering the phone repels Seelavukkup fear creep. There is love and that love and marriage and that his agreement, was not interested in using relationship itself iyantirattanamakat Seela mother explained.

"I told my mother everything. The beauty of a wife to her husband valaratutan line. Iruppavaltan outlet for his desires collittanka good wife. None of sexual harassment and violence, why do not you see the husband? Kattittar Dali because he needed to cakittukkollattan attanaik atrocities? I could no longer live with him mutiyatumma "he cried Seela broken.

Beatings of abusive vanmuraiyalla only.
Vanmuraikaltan ceyyavaippatum kattayappatuttic something blasphemous sexually-smoking. A law protecting women from domestic violence, above all strife and actions.

The husband of sexual abuse, including domestic violence. Reluctant to say these things, many women are kalittukkontirukkirarkal everyday life thorn throat caught.

Ask for one of these problems? Accept? Karutuvarkalo need to panic about a woman who sold her husband's body.

Given that family members are not willing to solve the problem, the district collector's office may petition the Security Officer.

The petition was sent to the court by the security officer, and receive different types Relief, can insulate itself from the violence that Seela noticed.

Allalpatuvat honor to recover from the daily stared, knowing the law protecting women from domestic violence, family violence is one that every man and woman is essential to learning.

Writer By
BS. Ajitavalakkarinar

The Hindu News - 11.12.2016