Shriram citpant Rs 7 lakh deposited in the company in 1991, she did. Sasikala mentioned the name of the beneficiary. On the same day she was announced as his successor kalave Sasi says it is a document that serves ponnaiyan AIADMK spokesperson.
But, banks, financial institutions and only one reference to the accession of the financial savings can not claim legal heir narkal have suggested that the lawmaker.
The Madras High Court Madurai branch of the senior lawyer said:
Banks, financial institutions will be deposited in the amount anyone can specify tararkalakak heir. Pitappatum beneficiaries of particular persons, only the right to take back the money was deposited had an insider.
But, the amount (if not the legal beneficiary), he does not enjoy. He alone has the right to his legal inheritors.
Kanta Ram Talwar was a beneficiary of his son ramcantar Delhi talvarai had deposited money in the bank to be more specific. Kanta Ram claimed that after the death of its ownership of the entire population ramcantar.
To combat this, another son of kantaram teventirakumar Talwar filed in the Delhi High Court.
Court case, "Banks '45 of Regulation Z, A 'is the only law for banks to operate effectively. Accordingly, the amount will be deposited in banks that amount to the beneficiary, especially pitappatum person who has the full right to obtain legally. The amount of deposited money was deposited by the carrier for the death of his family cottakivitukiratu.
Pankittukkollavo you take it only has the right to his legal inheritors. Inheritance law says and what that amount so that it can be used atanpatittan ruled.
The essence of the judgment applies
6.10.2010 Supreme Court on appeal in the Delhi High Court upheld the ruling. The amount of the investment in Shriram Jayalalithaa citpant essence of this decision will apply. She mentioned Raul varicutararakak statutory right to take from the Sasikala kontavartan citpant that amount.
But he can not enjoy it. I do not want to pay that amount as he may express her objection to the legal heirs.
Indecisive environment in which funding for the company in the event the court seek the help of Talwar's family.
Therefore, the beneficiary bank deposit since it showed that only one person can be the legal beneficiary. Thus, the lawyer said.
Thanks: The Hindu News - 17.12.2016