Facebook announced Tuesday that they will be going to lunch Live Audio feature into news feed . Facebook said as follows in a Announcement :

today we’re excited to announce another way to go live on Facebook: Live Audio.

The move could provide some heated competition for audio service Sound-cloud, which is the primary way for consumers to share audio clips on Facebook and other social networks. Berlin-based Sound-cloud has 175 million registered users, to the 1.7 billion Facebook base.

In a blog post, Facebook said it envisioned live audio as a feature for authors and interviewers who didn't want the bother of adding the video layer, but still wanted to broadcast live. With Facebook Live, broadcasts are generated generally from the mobile Facebook app.

We know that sometimes publishers want to tell a story on Facebook with words and not video. We’ve even seen some Pages find creative ways to go live and reach audiences with audio only by using the Facebook Live API or by adding a still image to accompany their audio broadcast. Our new Live Audio option makes it easy to go live with audio only when that’s the broadcaster’s preferred format.

We also know that publishers sometimes go live from areas that lack strong network connectivity. Though we alert the broadcaster if their signal is low, Live Audio presents another option for connecting with audiences in real time from low-connectivity areas.

Live Audio Feature Will Be Lunched In Next Year Says Facebook.