Earlier today, we had reported the Chennai Box office performance of VIjay Antony's latest release 'Yaman' in its opening weekend. Now we come up with the collections made by the film from all over Tamil Nadu in its first three days of release.

Sources in Trade circles reveal that, 'Yaman' written and directed by Jeeva Shankar has collected around Rs.8 crores from theatricals across Tamil Nadu. Here is the break up of collections made by the film in a few prominent areas of the state.

Chennai- Rs.1.05 crores

Chengalpet- Rs.2.2 crores

Coimbatore- Rs.1.6 crores

Tirunelveli & Kanyakumari (TK)- Rs.22 lakhs

Trichy & Tanjore (TT) - Rs.56 lakhs