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Whats App New Two Features This Month

New facilities are available at VATA APP.
    Vats of the most used around the world for Chad and Video Chat.

        There are new features in this app
          These verses are available in the VatsApp 2.17.130 version used on iPhones.

              When we speak with a person or a group, we can send video, video, video or video footage.

                  Added new swipe-up feature.

                    This feature displays an image 5 filters in 4 ways. You can send it to us.

                        Additionally, more than 4 films that we send will be an album together.
                          We have a separate separation of images from them.

                              There is also a convenient way to send shortcut words to itself. There is also a message recall facility.

                                  These new features will be launched soon on Androide mobile phones.