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Sri Geeta Bhavan Trust founded on 28th December, 1971 with, Shri.Uggaesenji Goel, Shri. Hari Gopal Agarwal and Shri. Ramjidas Bhatla with the main aim of promoting Yoga, conducting Gita discourses, Seminars, Bhajans and other similar activities. At present it is effectively and ably managed by Shri. Indersain Goyal, Chairman and Shri. Ashok Kumar Goel, Managing Trustee, with other dedicated Trustees.

During the past decades not only Sri Geeta Bhavan’s Building structure has grown but also there has been an increase is our spectrum of activities.Such as,
Religions discoursing
  • Weekly bajans
  • Mass marriages
  • Krishna jayanthi celebrations
  • Ramnavami celebrations
  • Help to calamity struck poor and down-trodden
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